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Plants vs. Zombies Hybrid Edition (Player made) - playmod.space

Plants vs. Zombies Hybrid Edition v3.0.2 Mod Apk (Player made)

App Name
Plants vs. Zombies Hybrid Edition
Mod Info
1. After the installation is complete, first open the ExaGear launcher. After entering the game, click the "=" symbol in the upper left corner, select "Environment Management", and click the "+" in the upper right corner. 2. Select the three dots on the right side of the file "Container_1", click "Settings", change the color depth to 32bit, change the screen resolution to 1024x768 (or other suitable resolution), click on the upper left corner to return 3. Select the three dots on the right side of the file "Container_1", click "Start", and click on the D drive to see Plants vs. Zombies Hybrid Version v.1.2. Double-click Plants vs. Zombies Hybrid Edition v.1.2 and then click PlantsVsZombies.exe. Wait for the progress bar to load and then click the screen. 4. Due to version adaptability issues, the game response is slightly slower before entering the game.
Fri Apr 26 10:20:54 CST 2024
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